
The University of Minnesota Rochester offers a standard undergraduate tuition rate for all students enrolled in 13 or more credits per semester. See Cost of attendance for information regarding other estimated costs for attending the University of Minnesota Rochester.

Undergraduate (2024-25)

If you receive undergraduate credit and you are not registered as a graduate or professional degree student, your tuition rate is the same as all undergraduate students at the University of Minnesota Rochester. Tuition does not vary by undergraduate college of enrollment. 

If you're a degree-seeking undergraduate student who is taking 13 or more credits, you'll be charged at the flat-rate tuition. Any credits beyond 13 are available at no additional charge. If you take fewer than 13 credits, you'll be charged per credit.

The University of Minnesota Rochester does not have a higher tuition rate for out-of-state students. As an out-of-state student, the UMR tuition may be less than your own state’s resident rates.

Per credit$532.85$532.85
13 or more credits rate$6,927.00$6,927.00

Official current and historical tuition rates

The above information is based on the President’s Operating Budget approved by the Board of Regents. While the information has been presented with all due care, it cannot be guaranteed to be free from errors or omission.