Your final exam time is scheduled following the University's scheduling examinations policy. Always confirm your final exam time with your instructor.
Find your class in the final exam schedule
Resolving an exam conflict
You are required to take final examinations at the times shown. However, if you have examination conflicts or three (or more) final exams within one calendar day, you may request adjustment with your college office and with your instructor. Such a request must be presented at least two weeks before the examination period begins.
If your instructor has requested a variation from the official final exam schedule, he or she must (1) give a special make-up exam to any students who have exam conflicts, or (2) give three (or more) exams in one calendar day.
If you miss a final, an I, an F, or an N is recorded, depending upon your standing at the time. To make up the exam, you must obtain the instructor's permission.