Before you complete your degree and graduate, you’ll need to be prepared. Knowing what your degree requirements are and if you are fulfilling them, when to complete your Application for Degree, and talking to your advisor will help you prepare for the final steps of your academic experience at the University of Minnesota.
Prepare, apply, and commencement
Prepare to graduate
- Check graduation dates and deadlines on the academic calendar.
- Verify your degree completion steps. If you are pursuing a graduate degree, you must follow the degree completion steps listed for your particular degree.
- Check for holds.
- Talk to your advisor(s) about completing your degree.
Apply to graduate
- Set your degree name by updating your personal information.
- Add, verify or update your diploma address to ensure you receive your diploma.
- Apply to graduate by completing your Application for Degree.
- Access the application by going to MyU: Academics then the Degree Progress tab. Click on the Apply to Graduate link.
- Apply to graduate no later than the first day of the month you would like to graduate.
- You may only apply to graduate once.
- The Office of the Registrar assumes when you are prepared to graduate based on your submission. See when you should apply based on the month you intend to graduate.
- If you have questions or need to change your expected graduation term or month after you have applied, please email [email protected].
- Complete your financial aid requirements.
- Online exit counseling is required of all borrowers of federal and University-administered student loan programs. You will be provided information about the rights and responsibilities of a borrower, and how different financial aid programs handle repayment. Learn more about loan repayment.
Commencement and after
Commencement is your graduation ceremony. These events are typically planned by your campus. Visit the UMR Commencement page for additional information.
- Attend your campus graduation fair. Watch for an invitation to your campus graduation fair in spring. Find additional information about and purchase commencement regalia through the University Bookstore.
- Learn about your diploma.
Professional students
If you are a professional school student, visit your program office or website to obtain detailed information about graduation and graduation dates.