Student Financial Obligations and Responsibilities eAgreement

The eStudent Financial Obligations and Responsibilities Agreement is an agreement presented to all students when they first enter MyU and then on an annual basis each March, while they are an active student. In order for the University to provide services electronically, each student must confirm their agreement through this process, which also indicates that the student knows their financial responsibilities to the University of Minnesota.

The text of the current annual agreement (effective March 6, 2025) is below. It may be reviewed here at any time.

Current text of Student Financial Obligations and Responsibilities eAgreement

The Student Financial Obligations and Responsibilities eAgreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is an annual agreement presented to all students. The most current version of this Agreement can be found on your campus One Stop website.

The University of Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as the “University”) utilizes electronic processes wherever possible to assure accuracy and to expedite business transactions. By entering into this Agreement, I consent to official communications being provided or made available to me in electronic form, entering into agreements and transactions using electronic records, and signing agreements electronically. The transactions specifically covered by this Agreement include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. eSign Agreement
  2. Consequences of Withdrawal of Consent
  3. Official Means of Communication Statement
  4. Permissible Access
  5. E-Agreement and Promise to Pay
  6. IRS Form 1098-T Agreement
  7. State Law Agreement
  8. Important Financial Aid Information
  9. Truth In Lending Act (TILA) Disclosures
  10. Application of Financial Aid Agreement
  11. University Policy Agreement
  12. Personal Information Security Requirement
  13. Maintenance of Contact Information & Emergency Contact Requirement
  14. Credit Report Authorization
  15. Cell Phone Number Usage by the University
  16. Entire Agreement
  17. Severability


  1. If I do not agree with any of these items when presented with the Agreement, I should log out of the MyU portal. I understand by doing so, I will not be able to use the MyU portal to conduct business electronically with the University of Minnesota. The MyU portal includes registration, student account, financial aid, ability to update demographic information, and access to other student-related information online.
  2.  I will contact One Stop Student Services (links by campus below) or, if a Crookston student, the Business Office, if I do not consent or if I withdraw my consent to electronically enter into business transactions. I agree that if I withdraw consent, any agreements or transactions between myself and the University of Minnesota from the time I consented to do business electronically until the time I withdrew that consent, will be valid and binding on all parties. For more information about conducting business in a non-electronic medium, withdrawing consent to conduct business electronically and fees and charges for paper copies, see the One Stop website.

                  Twin Cities:

  1. I understand that my University email (, along with notifications in MyU, serve as the official means of communication from the University of Minnesota to enrolled students, and that the University of Minnesota may communicate using only University email for administrative processes. I understand that my home/personal email address as designated in MyU may be used in conjunction with my University email address or instead of my University email address for certain types of communications. If I do not provide a home/personal email address, the University of Minnesota may be unable to communicate with me electronically after my UMN email is deactivated, or verify my identity to access electronic services and access to my student and/or employment records.
  2. I understand that I am the only person who may conduct official business using my internet ID and password. I understand that sharing my University of Minnesota Internet ID and password is considered a serious violation of University Policy. 
  3. I understand that when I register for any class at the University of Minnesota, or receive any service from the University of Minnesota, I accept full responsibility to pay all tuition, fees and other associated costs as a result of my registration and/or receipt of services. I agree to pay tuition for my courses and associated fees at the University of Minnesota. I understand that tuition and fees are charged based on the opportunity to earn academic credit, not based on the mode of instruction or length of term. I also acknowledge that the mode of course and service delivery might change during the semester if circumstances require. If I complete my courses, I will earn credit in accordance with the Grading & Transcripts policy at my campus.

    I understand and agree that my registration and acceptance of these terms constitutes a promissory note agreement (i.e., a financial obligation in the form of an educational loan as defined by the U.S. Bankruptcy Code at 11 U.S.C. §523(a)(8)) in which the University of Minnesota is providing me educational services, deferring some or all of my payment obligation for those services, and I promise to pay for all assessed tuition, fees and other associated costs by the published or assigned due date).

    1. I promise to pay to the University:
      1. any amounts from my charging costs of items or services to my student account through the use of my U Card or receipt of a service;
      2. the amount of any funds received by me as an overpayment or loan;
      3. any deficiency in tuition, fees, or other University charges that results from financial aid reversals or non-payment of loans or advances from federal, state, institutional, or other third-party providers;
      4. any costs associated with the processing of a third-party payment on my behalf;
      5. a returned payment fee in the amount published by the University, if a payment made to my student account is returned by the bank for any reason. I understand that multiple returned payments and/or failure to comply with the terms of any payment plan or agreement I sign with the University of Minnesota may result in cancellation of  my classes and/or suspension of my eligibility to register for future classes at the University of Minnesota; and
      6. all attorney’s fees, collection costs, late fees, installment fees, court costs, collection agency commissions, and other costs incurred. Collection agency commissions may be based on a percentage at a maximum of 40% of the debt.
    2. I agree that failure to officially drop class(es) during the University’s cancel/add period will not relieve me of the financial obligation for those class(es). I understand and agree that if I drop or withdraw from some or all of the classes for which I register, I will be responsible for paying all or a portion of tuition and fees in accordance with the published tuition refund schedule. I have read the terms and conditions of the published tuition refund schedule and understand those terms are incorporated herein by reference. I further understand that my failure to attend class or receive a bill does not absolve me of my financial responsibility as described above.
    3. I agree that the University will provide student account information through the My Finances tab in MyU.
    4. I agree that administrative, clerical, or technical billing errors do not absolve me of my financial responsibility to pay the correct amount of tuition, fees, and other associated financial obligations assessed as a result of my registration at the University of Minnesota.
    5. I agree that it is my responsibility to review and monitor my University student account and my official University email account. I agree that if I am enrolled at multiple campuses, it is my responsibility to monitor my University student account on each campus, and pay each campus by the tuition due date for that campus.
    6. I agree that the University will provide the following account information, as well as other information, electronically:
      1. Account History
      2. IRS Tax Form(s)
      3. Direct Deposit Authorization Form
    7. I understand that I will receive an email notification at my University email account when my student account has a balance due and a bill is available. It is my responsibility to review my account and make any necessary payments by the deadline published on the University’s website.
    8. I understand and agree that if I fail to pay my student account bill or any monies due and owing the University of Minnesota by the scheduled due date, the University of Minnesota will assess late payment fee at the rate published by the University per billing period on the past due portion of my student account until my past due account is paid in full.
    9.  If my account becomes delinquent, I understand that I will not be allowed to register for future terms, I will not remain registered for the next term, I may not receive official transcripts and, if I am a graduating student, I may not receive a diploma. I further understand that my delinquent status may be reported to a national credit bureau.
    10. I understand and agree that if I am younger than the applicable age of majority when I execute this Agreement that the educational services provided by the University of Minnesota are a necessity, and I am contractually obligated pursuant to the “doctrine of necessaries.”
    11. I acknowledge and agree that this Agreement is a promissory note, a legal debt instrument giving the University of Minnesota the right to take legal action to collect the debt I have promised to pay. I waive any defense to enforcement of this promissory note, including, but not limited to, any defense that it is invalid or unenforceable due to its contingent nature and the method of its execution.
    12. By signing this Agreement, I state I have read this Agreement carefully and agree to my financial responsibility with the University of Minnesota.
    13. This Agreement, including my Promise to Pay, is subject to the laws of the State of Minnesota, without regard to its conflict or choice of law provisions. I irrevocably consent to the jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in Minnesota, in any lawsuit arising out of or concerning this Agreement, or the enforcement of any obligations under this Agreement, including any lawsuit to collect amounts that I may owe as a result of this Agreement.
  4. I agree to receive my IRS Form 1098-T: Tuition Statement electronically. I understand that I will not receive my 1098-T form via US Mail and that my tax information is available electronically. I understand that to access my 1098-T form, I will need a device with internet access, a web browser, and a PDF viewer (a free one is available at The web browser will need to be able to access my Student Center through, and allow pop-up windows from, MyU. I understand that some web browser versions are not fully compatible with systems such as PeopleSoft SIS (Student Center) and I may need to utilize a different web browser to properly access my form, I may be unable to properly access my form. I understand that the form may be downloaded and saved electronically and/or printed. 

    If I consent, I may still print a paper copy from my Student Center; printing does not cause revocation of consent. This consent will remain in place until I submit a written request to revoke consent. I understand that consent can be withdrawn at any time and that to withdraw my consent, I must do so in writing using the contact information for my campus listed in section 2 of this Agreement. The University will confirm my withdrawal and the date on which it takes effect by email. A withdrawal of consent does not apply to a statement that was furnished electronically before the date the withdrawal takes effect. Any change in consent will remain in effect for future tax years. If I do not agree, or if I withdraw consent, the 1098-T form will be provided to me on paper via US Mail.

    1. Crookston:
    2. Duluth:
    3. Morris:
    4. Rochester:
    5. Twin Cities:
  5. This Agreement and covered transactions are made and governed under Minnesota substantive law without regard to conflict of laws rules. Any disputes or claims against the University of Minnesota related to these electronic Agreements or transactions must be brought within a court of law in the Minnesota County where the debt was incurred.
  6. For Financial Aid recipients: 
    1. Financial aid offers are based on full-time enrollment. Enrollment level is checked at the time of disbursement and again at the end of the cancel/add period – the last date to add full-term classes without college scholastic committee approval. I understand that adjustments to my enrollment level may cause my aid to be revised or canceled.
    2. I understand that I must be enrolled at least half-time (as defined by my degree program) to be eligible for federal loans. Certain loans (including the Health Professions Loan, or University Trust Fund Loan) require full-time enrollment.
    3. I understand that Minnesota State Grant recipients must be registered for 15 credits per term to be eligible for the maximum state grant. I understand that registering for fewer than 15 credits will result in my state grant being reduced on a per-credit basis.
    4. I understand that Minnesota U Promise Scholarship recipients must be enrolled full time.
    5. I understand that the total Estimated Cost of Attendance is a projection of overall costs I may incur for the academic year. I understand that the actual cost of attendance may vary depending upon many factors, including but not limited to, credit hours, program specifications, required fees, and personal lifestyle choices. Financial aid cannot exceed the cost of attendance.
    6.  I understand that tuition subsidies such as tuition benefits, stipends, non-resident tuition waivers, fellowships, national scholarships, housing reimbursements, American Indian Tuition Waiver, Third-Party Billing payments and Regents Tuition Benefit Program must be included as part of my financial aid package. Any money (including gift cards and/or tangible prize items) the institution provides to me is considered financial assistance and may affect my financial aid.
    7. I understand that financial aid is disbursed to student accounts 7 to 10 days before the first day of each term, provided enrollment criteria are met and all required documents have been submitted.
    8. I understand that I may be required to repay the University of Minnesota any aid received if any of the conditions below occur:
      1. Changes in enrollment/credit level.
      2. Government regulations, University policy, or sources of funding changing prior to or during the award year.
      3. Error(s) that results in financial aid for which I am not eligible.
      4. Overpayment for any reason.
      5. Financial or other assistance not listed on the original financial aid offer.
    9. I understand that I must meet Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress standards to maintain my financial aid eligibility.
    10. I will submit all scholarship checks I receive to One Stop Student Services or, if a Crookston student, the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. I understand that I must endorse any check that is made payable to me, or to me and the University of Minnesota. I understand that my financial aid offer will be reviewed and that adjustments may be made to my financial aid package. I understand that I will be allowed to receive the maximum benefit of any scholarship within the U.S. Department of Education guidelines.
    11. I understand that those receiving veterans benefits must request school certification from the campus office for Veteran Services before veterans benefits can be received.
    12. I understand that Workforce Center assistance, State Services for the Blind funding, or ward of the court assistance I receive must be included as part of my financial aid offer.
    13. I understand that credits for audited course work and extended-term, Online and Distance Learning (ODL) courses are not eligible for some forms of financial aid.
    14. I understand that May/summer term financial aid will be offered separately after I complete May/summer registration.
    15. I agree that the University may release limited scholarship information from my student record and any student ID photo to the University of Minnesota's Foundation and scholarship donor(s) unless I specifically revoke this permission. I understand I can revoke this permission by emailing the University of Minnesota Foundation at [email protected]. The University adheres to the U.S. Department of Education guidelines on disclosure of financial aid related information.
  7. Truth In Lending Act (TILA) Disclosures for University-administered private loans:
    1. When applying for University-administered loan funds that are classified as private loans by the Truth In Lending Act, Regulation Z, I understand there are certain disclosure notices that the University must provide to me at specific times in the loan process.
    2. By signing this Agreement, I am agreeing to receive these TILA disclosures electronically, instead of in a paper format, as a part of the loan process. I understand I can revoke this approval by visiting One Stop Student Services or, if a Crookston student, the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships to make the request.
  8. Payment authorization:
    1.  I agree that financial aid will be used to pay all charges for the period for which the funds are provided. No more than $200.00 of current-year funds can be used to pay prior award year charges. Per federal regulations, Title IV federal financial aid cannot pay certain charges on a student's account. This includes, but is not limited to, payment plan fees, late fees, and returned payment fees. While I may receive a refund due to a financial aid surplus, I agree that if I have these certain charges on my student account, I may need to pay these separately from my financial aid.
    2. If I prefer that financial aid payments be restricted to pay only tuition, required fees, and on-campus housing and food charges (if any exist), I understand that I must go to a One Stop Student Service Center, or if a Crookston student, the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships to request this change.
  9. I agree to abide by all of the policies outlined in the University of Minnesota’s University Policies, as hereinafter amended from time to time, available at, including the Student Conduct Code and the policies regarding financial responsibility.
  10.  I understand students play an important role in the protection of their personal information. All students are required to use all available security controls provided by the University (including two-factor authentication) to assist in the protection of University assets and the protection of the student’s assets and personal information. Failure on the part of a student to employ the available security controls or to secure their personal information appropriately will mean that the University will not reimburse the student for the redirection of direct deposit funds or other assets or alteration of financial aid.
  11. Maintenance of Contact Information & Emergency Contact Requirement:
    1. I understand and agree that I am responsible for keeping University of Minnesota records up to date with my current mailing address, permanent address, email addresses, and phone numbers.
    2. I understand and agree to provide the University with emergency contact information.
    3. I understand that emergency contact information, address update information, and updated information needed to contact me electronically may be added through the My Info tab in MyU. 
  12. I authorize the University of Minnesota to obtain my credit report from any national credit bureau to aid in determining my ability to repay my student account or student loan debt, or to aid in contacting me regarding those debts. I understand that obtaining this credit information may impact my credit score.
  13. I authorize the University of Minnesota and its respective agents and contractors to contact me regarding my business with the University, including repayment of any student loan, and any charges posted to my student account, at my current or any future number I provide for my cellular phone or other wireless device. I authorize the University and its agents and contractors to use automated telephone dialing equipment, artificial or prerecorded voice or text messages, personal calls and emails, in their efforts to contact me. I understand that I will be responsible for charges that may result from such communication to a wireless phone number. Furthermore, I understand that I may withdraw my consent to call my cellular telephone using automated telephone dialing equipment by revoking this Agreement per the directions in #2 above. 
  14. This Agreement supersedes all prior understandings, representations, negotiations, and correspondence between the student and University of Minnesota, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the matters described, and shall not be modified or affected by any course of dealing or course of performance. This Agreement may be modified by the University of Minnesota if the modification is signed by me. Any modification is specifically limited to those policies and/or terms addressed in the modification.
  15. If any provision, term, or clause of this Agreement is declared illegal, unenforceable, or ineffective in a legal forum with competent jurisdiction to do so, this Agreement shall be deemed severable, and all other provisions, terms, and clauses of the Agreement will remain valid and binding on the Parties.



I agree and consent to the above.